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KARMA Blog — self-discovery

Easy there, Tiger!

Posted by Kiti Reimaa on

The Year of the Tiger favours those born under its banner as that fierce, feline energy is brave, straight forward, born to lead, active, innovative, fearless and even rebellious, like the current Aquarius season. What this indicates is that 2022 will come with necessary movement, change and hope, as it will be a year of great transformations for the Tiger natives. 

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Lion's Gate 08/08/2021

Posted by Kiti Reimaa on

The 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal is energetically significant as it opens a period of clearing out old programming, emotional energies, and healing cycles that are not to be repeated or turned into KARMA

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Fresh air

Posted by Kiti Reimaa on

The element of Air gives us room to breathe, widens our lungs, and with them, opens our Soul to personal freedom. All signs that belong to this element have a strong need to feel liberated and free. This is the element that connects all other elements, even though it might seem less relevant, invisible as it is. 

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The October Surprise

Posted by Kiti Reimaa on

The October Surprise refers to the craziness that's going on in the skies.. And around the world, like you might have noticed. All in all, October is going to be a groundbreaking time: we are entering an intense month, filled with changes, unexpected experiences, and ongoing inner work. 

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The Mind & Body Connection

Posted by Kiti Reimaa on

Healing is about the re-integration of Body, Mind, and Soul. When these three elements are out of balance the experience is that of illness or disease. We interact with our environment, people and everything around us though our energy field.

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