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The Mind & Body Connection

Posted by Kiti Reimaa on

Now here's something new to think about! 

One of the most important trends in medicine in recent years has been the responsibility people are taking back for their own health. Healing is about the re-integration of Body, Mind, and Soul. When these three elements are out of balance the experience is that of illness or disease. 

As we are all electrical beings, every one of us produces our own electro-magnetic field or energy field. The electro-magnetic field that surrounds every person which is often referred to as the Aura. We interact with our environment, people and everything around us though our energy field. This energy which is electrical in nature is often referred to as life-force energy. When this life-force energy is flowing through the body freely via the life-force energy systems, such as, the chakra’s, the meridians and the human energy field then our bodies maintain the ability to regenerate correctly and stay healthy. However, when this life-force energy becomes depleted or drained or is unable to flow freely then the bodies ability to regenerate and self-correct is compromised.

We all have energy reserves. These reserves are usually maintained through rest, good diet, exercise, relaxation and reducing stress. One of the causes of stress in the body, for example, is cellular memory. Many issues have their source in cellular memories and are below the level of our conscious awareness. Contrary to conventional beliefs, recent research has demonstrated that our body cells are controlled by the conditions of the environment. The cells respond to information derived from our thoughts, our mindset and our behaviours and consequently influence our health in a positive or negative way. Because our body grows and develops on an energetic framework it means our bodies have an energetic blueprint. This blueprint determines the positioning of every organ, gland, muscle, each part of the skeletal structure down to the very last cell. This relates to our body’s growth and healing processes; every cell is directed by the innate intelligence of the body in its movements, function, growth, reproduction and termination. 

There are ways to correct the underlying energy to speed up the body’s natural healing and corrective processes. By communicating with the subconscious mind, the truth that the subconscious knows can be accessed. This will give accurate and often surprising insights into the cause of dis-ease in the energy and physical bodies. It allows the root causes of discord to be discovered and the solution desired by the subconscious self to be identified. When we seek to explore and unlock the hidden potential of the human mind to restore and regenerate the entire energetic structure of the human person, it will lead to improved mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. 

We can also state that we are constantly exchanging energy and information between us at a subliminal level. This is experienced as people pick up on positive or negative “vibes” that come from others. Even as you break down the kind of language that people regularly use there is a familiarity to these exchanges and what people feel from each other at a deeper level. If you feel a “negative vibe” from somebody they are literally broadcasting a negative vibration or in other words a negative frequency. Often people feel drained after spending time with someone who is “quite negative”. The opposite can be experienced when spending time with a more positive or up-beat person as you can feel charged up afterwards.

And for me, positivity is my top priority. And that is why I'm sending YOU



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