The 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal is energetically significant as it opens a period of clearing out old programming, emotional energies, and healing cycles that are not to be repeated or turned into KARMA. It is an encouraged activation to experience greater consciousness around talents, energies, healing, origins, and soul missions on the planet.
The Lion's Gate is given this name because it occurs in the sign of Leo, and is the mid-point of the sign at 15/16 degrees. Astrologically, this Gateway is marked by an alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius. The number 8 is associated with KARMA, mastery, reward, abundance, and manifestation, making this an auspicious energy field for intentions and creation. A powerful surge of energy is coming through during the Leo New Moon that coincides with the 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal energies, which connect us with higher frequency downloads.
Moving forward is a must, and there will be separations in energies that are not in alignment or on the same growth trajectory at this time. The Third Eye, Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras are receiving powerful integrations of higher love and openings in order to connect you more fully with your path. Whatever is expired, rusty, out of date, or only in the ego will fall away because the Universe is needing more love and light on the planet now.