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Easy there, Tiger!

Posted by Kiti Reimaa on

On February 1, a New Moon in Aquarius took place, and we began a Lunar cycle characterized by unpredictability, but also by a double dose of fresh vibes that will aid us in severing ties with everything — and every ex — that can’t serve our future selves. During the upcoming weeks, we will have opportunities to become aware of our conditioning and liberate ourselves from its shackles. 

The Sun and the Moon join Saturn, the ancient ruler of Aquarius, and square Uranus, the modern ruler of the sign, now transiting through Taurus. This Aquarius New Moon magnifies the tension of the Saturn-Uranus square, the characterizing alignment of 2021, which will continue to be active for several months, even if the angle won’t be exact again. Throughout the Lunar cycle ahead, the spotlight will be on social dynamics that need to change.

This New Moon also marks the beginning of the Lunar New Year, which corresponds to the Chinese New Year. 2022 is the Year of the Tiger and is associated with the element of Water. The Year of the Tiger favours those born under its banner in the years of 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and of course the rest of 2022 — as that fierce, feline energy is brave, straight forward, born to lead, active, innovative, fearless and even rebellious, like the current Aquarius season. What this indicates is that 2022 will come with necessary movement, change and hope, as it will be a year of great transformations for the Tiger natives. 

When the Moon joins the Sun in the heavens, a seed is planted. The Moon is now emerging from her phase of darkness and in the upcoming days will be, once again, visible in the night sky. New Moons are about fresh starts and new beginnings. They represent the first phase of the Lunar cycle, a moment to set intentions for the future. During the two weeks leading up to the Full Moon in Leo, we will have chances to act on them in a spontaneous, intuitive fashion. 

The activation of the sign of Aquarius emphasizes the need to reflect on the role of us as individuals within the collective, and reconsider our duties, our responsibilities, and our rights. Throughout the upcoming Lunar cycle, we have an opportunity to find links between our personal aspirations and a socially relevant purpose, that may bring up contrasting tendencies. On the one hand, the impulse to differentiate from the majority and take our own path. On the other hand, the temptation, more or less conscious, to conform to what the mainstream or others expects from us, in order to feel safe, accepted, and at best, loved. We will have chances to reflect on what we want to manifest, what we want to build, and whether that is relevant only for us or is also valuable for the collective. Bottom line, you are encouraged to choose people who also choose you. Because

"those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the Tiger
ended up inside."

The current emphasis on the archetypes of Aquarius and its ruler Uranus could inspire many of us to rebel against lifestyles, conditions, and ways of being that don’t honor our true nature. And the nature of the Tiger is being strong-willed, confident with a full sense of fairness and justice. They always impress people with an image of power and authority. But they also have difficulty accepting failures so they push themselves quite hard to succeed. However, we may finally find the courage to detach from the past (mistakes) and allow the FUTURE in. So have a magnificently HAPPY YEAR 2022, TIGERS! 

Kiti - Like a kitten that thinks it's a Tiger ;) 


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