We have just experienced yet another Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (in the sign of Capricorn) during the 4th of July weekend. The next ones are to be expected on
29–30 Nov 2020 — Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (in Gemini)
14 Dec 2020 – Total Solar Eclipse (in Sagittarius).
The Eclipses help us know about our true self, not the way we project ourselves to the outside world. Eclipses are dramatic “wild cards” in our horoscopes. They are some of the most dramatic tools that the universe uses to get us to pay attention to areas in our life that need to change. They uproot us, surprise us, and get us moving. They shake us out of our feelings of compliancy so that we can move from one level of maturity to another, to a higher plane, and they work very rapidly. Eclipses want us to change and no matter what occurs, it will become evident that the universe is intent on moving you forward. Eclipses often mark a major turning point. If you find later you don’t like where you wind up, you can always have the option to make changes up ahead, but again, they must be future choices, not ones that bring you back to the past.
Eclipses will bring a random event you do not expect, didn’t know about. It will be triggered by an event happening elsewhere, and that is completely outside your control. Still, no matter how the information comes to you, it can set off a chain of events that will force you to see things in a new light, and often form a time of complete evaluation, for they have the power to change everything related to the area of your life that eclipse is emphasizing.
Everything’s being stirred up. What’s no longer needed and what is ready to be healed or finally seen and understood is being brought to the surface. Shine light on what has been eclipsed within you by clearing out some old patterns and beliefs. Just behind anxiousness is possibility. It’s a great time for clear insights, inspiration and breakthroughs which heralds a shift towards understanding and connection. It’s an even greater time for journalling and self-reflection.
With these journal prompts (which can also be spoken aloud to yourself or a friend if you don’t want to journal) you can dive in by either speaking or writing to the universe what you wish to manifest with clear intention:
- At this time, what do I feel I am most held back by?
- How can I embody my passions and desires better?
- What is my life purpose and what am I here to overcome?
- How am I using my energy? Is it efficient or are there leaks that need to be patched?
- What do I most want to develop/grow/create right now?
Be very mindful of what you speak or write. Words cast spells – that’s why it’s called spelling. :)