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The Golden Rule of KARMA

Posted by Kiti Reimaa on

We all know the saying “What goes around, comes around” and that is related to KARMA. KARMA is a Sanskrit term that literally means "action" or "doing". In the Buddhist tradition, KARMA refers to action driven by intention which leads to future consequences. 

KARMA is very intricate, so it takes a very highly realized mind to understand the complicated workings of KARMA. But what we can understand is if you create a negative action with your body, for example if you hit someone or with your speech, you yell at someone or with your mind, you think negative thoughts about someone, that definitely creates suffering for you in the future. Positive events as well but it’s something of happiness for you in the future. KARMA is the universal principle of cause and effect. It is the best teacher, forcing you to face the consequences of your own actions and thus improve and refine your behavior. This means, that your thoughts, words and actions, both good and bad, come back to you in the future.

So KARMA is the movement of mind, and in order to understand more about KARMA, it’s helpful to understand the nature of the mind. And that the mind is made up of these moments of consciousness and it exists on an obvious subtle and most subtle level of the mind. In the most subtle level there’s many fluctuations of the consciousness, the most subtle level of the mind is a kind of clear light nature but these subtle fluctuations has the mind going through many different experiences in a very short amount of time. And each one of them creates some sort of result in the future. So there’s lots of misconceptions about KARMA, that you can only create it with your thoughts, it’s not. It’s created with all activities you do with your body, your speech and your mind. A lot of those activities are neutral in our day-to-day like brushing your teeth. However, you can change those activities if you have a positive motivation to benefit others while you’re doing a mundane activity. That can create a positive result in the future. So a lot of KARMA is dependent on your motivation. There’s a lot of mixed KARMA we get involved in, and there’s also factors that make an activity ‘complete’. So you need different factors based on the motivation, so your mindset based on how you intend to do the activity. KARMA also ripens in different ways. It can ripen environmentally that it sets up a situation for you to live. If you don’t respect life, to the degree of the smallest insects even, and you kill a lot of animals or insects, or you rejoice when you go fishing and you’re very happy to catch a lot of fish and you don’t have much regard for that, it could set up a situation environmentally, in the future, where you end up in a place that doesn’t help you sustain your life. Like the future things are not promoting your life. Becoming aware of these things, has made me intentionally choose to live a more compassionate life, especially towards animals.

In this world there are a lot of things that are beyond our control. But what you do have control over is in what you choose to do and how you choose to react to what happens in your life. What I now know is that we all become exactly what you believe. As I’ve grown now, my perception and understanding of what that means, has grown with me. I expanded my view of what it means to be a citizen of the universe, to be a part of the energy field that is omnipotent (having unlimited power), omniscient, all-knowing and all present in all things. And so my confidence comes from knowing that there is something greater than myself, that I am a part of it and it in turn also is a part of me. You have to understand that your being here, as a human being, came from something greater than you. And not just your parents who wanted to have a child. The fact that that egg was hit by that particular little sperm, in that particular moment and you were created. Wow. How amazing is that. Of all the different choices that had to happen, in order for you to be here NOW. So, when you recognize the mystery of that creation, all the circumstances that had to configure and reconfigure themselves, all the questions that we don’t have answers to, you have to know this: the fact that I’m here matters. The fact that you’re there matters. This is no accident. None of us are.

A lot of people don’t know their purpose, and if you don’t know your purpose, Oprah says that your immediate goal is to figure that out. Because otherwise you are just wandering around here. So the moment you figure out what it is you are supposed to be doing, the sooner you are about to get about the business of doing that, the better. The universe speaks to us always. First in whispers, and a whisper usually in your life feels like “hmmm, that’s odd”, or “huh, that doesn’t make any sense”, or “hmm, is that right?” It just really feels like that, it’s that kind of subtle level of the mind as I mentioned earlier. And if you don’t pay attention to the whisper, it gets louder, and louder, and louder. And I say it’s like getting bumped upside the head. If you don’t pay attention to that, it’s like getting a brick upside your head. And if you don’t pay attention to that, the brick wall falls down. Life is about growth and change. When you are no longer doing that, that is your whisper. That is your whisper that “I am supposed to be doing something else”. And surely I have been wondering around and trying different things and jobs, but luckily I've never really been the one who complained about my personal journey. Because I've just trusted the 'bigger picture' and I’ve had those whispers, and subconsciously I’ve always KNOWN something, but it’s all part of the journey to realize it when the timing is right.

For me, luck is the preparation meeting the moment of opportunity. There is no luck without you being able to handle that moment of opportunity. And so what I say for myself is that because of my hand in a hand in a force greater than my own, I have been prepared in ways that I didn’t even know I was being prepared for. And the truth is, for me and for every person, every single thing that has ever happened in your life, is preparing you for the moment that is to come. – Oprah

Anybody pretending to be anything other than who you really are, you will never ever reach your personal potential. And I feel, that I especially have not been able to pretend, not in the business world, nor with people with whom I didn’t feel a true connection with. So, you’ve got to take responsibility for the space you hold here and understand that the law of KARMA is real, people. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. That is my ‘religion’. (Also the Academy Awards #Oscars by the way). But I mean, that I know that every thought that I think, every thought that I have that moves into action, is going to create an opposite and equal reaction. So, everything that I put out into the world is going to come back. “It’s the golden rule on steroids”. The golden rule on steroids, and it’s true that as you do onto others, they will do onto you. It’s already done. And your personal intention rules your life and determines the outcome.

I have known for a very long time that I am a privileged person, and that to whom much is given, much is also required. Every time someone would criticize me, I would tell myself that it’s not about the other person in any situation. Because you can’t control the other person. You cannot control the other person even if they are your friend. You only have control over yourself. So it’s like running a race, the energy it takes to look back and see where the other guys are, takes energy away from you. And if they are too close, it scares you, so don’t waste your time in the race looking back to see where the other guy is or what the other guy is doing. It’s not about the other guy, it’s about what YOU DO. You just need to run that race as hard as you can, you need to give it everything you’ve got all the time for yourself. FOR YOURSELF.

There’s an energy field, there’s an energy flow, that I strongly feel in my own life and I know lots of other people who do. You’re either in flow or out of it. And if you’re in flow, it’s like flowing with a stream. And the stream and the flow is in direct proportion to the center of yourself where our universal energy abides, where the divine within you abides. How far you are from the center from the divineness of yourself, from your connection to source energy, that which created you, is how out of sync you are with your life regardless of what you call it. When you can align with that, nobody can harm you. When your personality comes to serve the energy of your soul, that is authentic power, that’s the only real power there is. Because you are going to lose everything else, how externally beautiful you are. One day your breasts are gonna sag, your eyes are gonna bag and you’re not gonna be as beautiful. And it doesn’t matter how much Botox and how many times you get your face pulled up by plastic surgeons, and how many hairdos and how many makeovers or whatever you do. You know, that doesn’t last. It’s just like the most beautiful flowering tree, (the frangipani tree is my personal favorite by now), everything passes in its time. It doesn’t matter how much money you have or how much power you have. All that changes. All of that changes. But what is REAL, what is LASTING, is WHO YOU ARE. 

So stay true to YOURSELF and nobody can take that away from you.



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